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Teacher of the Year

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The Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce is soliciting nominations for its annual Teacher of the Year Award. The purpose is to recognize educators who are providing outstanding education for their respective students. Recipients of this award must have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique and novel programs that are serving to improve and promote education.There will be awards for Elementary School, Middle School and High School for both Public and Private Schools in the East Dallas area of Dallas, Texas. A total of six awards will be presented.

Nominations are being solicited from the Education Community, from the Chamber Board of Directors and from Chamber membership. The awards event will be held on Tuesday, November 19th at Lakehill Preparatory Schools Alice and Erle Nye Family Environmental Science Center located at 7401 Ferguson Road (on the northwest quadrant of Ferguson Road and I-30).

​All nominations will be submitted online. Below are the criteria for the nominees

Click here for online nomination form
Deadline for 2021 will be posted at a later date.

For further information, contact the Chamber office at 214-328-4100.

Individuals employed as full-time classroom/laboratory/ teachers and coaches are eligible recipients for this award.


  1. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: The nominee demonstrates instructional expertise, creativity, and innovation. The nominee uses a variety of techniques to effectively address students’ different learning styles and needs. The nominee is an instructional leader at the local, state, and/or national level.
  2.  COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: The nominee frequently interacts with community members on substantive education issues. The nominee identifies and helps to bring community resources to students in both formal and informal settings.
  3. LEADERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The nominee continually engages in experience to improve his or her practice and to gain new skills and knowledge. The nominee shares this new learning with colleagues in a variety of venues. The nominee’s participation in and commitment to professional development has a visible impact on his or her institution, student and community.
  4. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY: The nominee works to provide a learning environment that meets the needs of all students, regardless of differences. The nominee recognizes and explicitly addresses the full array of values, cultures, and experiences represented in our diverse modern society, both through curriculum and instruction and in other interactions with students.

For further information: 214-328-4100

Submit nomination by email to:

Click here for online nomination form